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Bette’s Box of Blessings September 2019 Review + Coupon

Bette's Box of Blessings August 2019 Review. Disclosure: This box was received free for review. This post contains affiliate links.

Bette's Box of Blessings September 2019 Review

Bette's Box of Blessings is a Christian subscription box.  Boxes are $29.99/month and come with items that have been prayerfully selected around an encouraging theme to lift you up and help you and your friends draw closer to God. Each box has a value over $60. You will receive books, music, cards, and other Christian gifts.

The Details:

Cost: $29.99/month

C0uponUse the coupon BETTE to get $5.00 off your 1st box.

What's in the box? You will receive items that have been prayerfully selected around an encouraging theme to lift you up and help you and your friends draw closer to God.

Shipping: ships worldwide.

The box ships in a manila bubble envelope.

The box is pink and white with the logo on top.

There is a detailed information sheet about the items in the box. The theme for September is “Unafraid, from Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go“.

Unafraid by Carey Scott $11.07 This book addresses our desire to be the best at everything and how we compare ourselves to others. The book discusses 9 ways we can shine with fearless authority.

We live in a world that tells us we have to look a certain way, live a certain lifestyle, have husbands who fit a certain mold, and have children that excel in every area of their lives.
And rather than thrive in the life we have, we strive to create an existence that impresses others.
This impossible treadmill leaves us with deep discontentment and a joyless existence.

God doesn’t apologize for how He created us. And while we’re always being molded by our Creator, it’s only to shape us for the calling on our life—not so we can fit into a world we were never meant to: 
“Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete. Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically” (Romans 12:2, 9).

What if we had the confidence to shed our fears and be who God created us to be—stumbles, fumbles, and all—relishing who we are rather than conforming to the world? Using an acrostic for the word AUTHENTIC, author Carey Scott unpacks 9 ways we can find the confidence we need to shine with fearless authenticity:

1. Accept Your Awesomeness
2. Unearth the Untruths
3. Try Loving Everyone
4. Hold on to Hope
5. Extend Forgiveness
6. Never Shrink Back
7. Trample the Negatives
8. Invest in Community
9. Camp in the Word of God

Let’s link arms and commit to living authentic lives. . .together. Are you ready?

Jesus, I Need You: Honest Prayers from a Trusting Heart $10.17 This book offers prayers and a place to journal when you need God. There are various sections to address how you are feeling. Some topics include comfort, grace, when I feel heartache when I feel disappointment and more.

Whether you’re experiencing a season of heartache or a season of joy, a time of questioning or a time of deep gratitude, the vulnerable prayers featured throughout will meet you where you are. With space for journaling, Jesus, I Need You will quiet your mind and heart as you discover the Lord’s faithfulness and lovingkindness.

Find the comfort, hope, and celebration you seek as you ground your faith in the Savior who can be trusted in all circumstances.

Seth & Nirva Never Alone $9.98 This CD has 11 different songs for your faith. The song on the CD “You are with me” fits right in with the theme of the box.

Jo-Nic Necklace $30.00 I based the cost of the necklace based on the prices of the other items in the box. The silver necklace has the phrase “I am strong” from Joshua 1:9.

Christian Encouragement Cards $14.95 Each box contains a pack of greeting cards. This month's card contains cards centered around encouragement. All my cards go in an accordion folder, so I can easily find a card I am looking for.

Final Thought: This box had a total value of $75.17. This box always combines thoughtful books, inspiring music, and addition Christian items. I liked the, Jesus I need you book.  If you want to try this subscription, use the coupon BETTE to get $5.00 off your 1st box.

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