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BookCase.Club February 2017 Review + Coupon

Disclosure: The post BookCase.Club February 2017 Review contains affiliate links.  I received this box for review

BookCase.Club February 2017 Review

BookCase Club is subscription box that sends mystery boxes of books, all for $9.95 ($5.00 s/h). When you sign up, you choose the category of books you wish to receive: Thrill Seeker Case, Booking for Love Case, Quarterly Cookbooks, Quarterly Military History, Strange Worlds Case, Teenage Dreams Case, Read to Me Case, and Blind Date Case.  Once you select your BookCase, your will get two books from that category, except the children's subscription will contain 4 books.  BookCase Club also gives back!  Each month, BookCase Club will partner with a book-centered, charity.  I was sent the children's subscription “Read to Me”.

The Details:

Cost: $9.95/month

Coupon: Use the code BoxMOM15 to save 15% on your subscription.

Shipping: $5.00/month.  US only.

What's in the box? BookCase Club will send you two handpicked books from one of five categories of your choosing.

BookCase Club comes in a big blue and white box.

First Look

There was a fun Valentine's Day activity sheet.

Chick ‘n' Pug Hardcover by Jennifer Sattler $11.20 This story was really cute.  The story is about a little chick who loves Wonder Pug.  One day he finds a pug and is sure that is Wonder Pug.  The interaction between the pug and chick was really cute.  Both of my kids loved this one.

The Secret of Spider Motel by Mel Gilden $7.99 This book is for older kids, perfect for my 7 year old.  He is starting to read longer books now and this spider book will be a hit.  The book is about a family on vacation, who stops at a rundown motel, run by a man in a spider costume.  The kids find a real alien, who tells them about a spider with special powers. The book comes with a rubber spider toy, which will probably be used to scare me.

The Adventurers by Rachel Elliot $5.03 This story is about a little girl and her toys, who on an adventure.  As I was reading this to my kids, I recalled my own adventures with my toys.  The story was cute and the illustrations were very nicely done.

I Didn't Know That Sharks Keep Losing Their Teeth (World of Wonder: I Didn't Know That) by Flowerpot Press $7.99 My 7 year old loves to read books about Science and animals.  He specifically loves sharks and penguins, so this book is perfect for him. This book is filled with various facts about sharks.

Final Thought: This box had a total value of $32.21.  This was a great month and there were book for each of my boys.  I like that there was a book for more advanced readers.  This box is a great value and I am always impressed with my books.  To subscribe, use this link with the code BoxMOM15 to save 15% on your subscription.  Your first month will be $8.49, plus the $5 shipping charge.

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