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Bramble Box July 2016 Review + Coupon – Eye Doctor

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  I received this box for review.

Bramble Box July 2016 Review

Bramble Box had an “Eye Doctor” theme for the July 2016 Bramble Box.

 Bramble Box is a play subscription box for children 3-7 years old.  Each box is $25.00/month and boxes are filled with dramatic play materials.  Boxes have specific themes, like post office, detective, and scientist.

When you sign up, you will get a welcome kit with a pack of crayons, glue and sticker book.  Instead of being surprised each month, you can now pick your box each month for up to 6 months.

This is what the welcome box looks like!

The Details:

Cost: $25.00/Month, $75.00/3 Months, $144.00/6 Months, $276.00/12 Months.

Coupon:   If you want to try Bramble Box, use this link with the code subboxmom30 to save 30% off of any subscription (can't be applied to single kits).

What's in the box? Each box will contain props and play materials to fuel your child's imagination.


Bramble Box ships in a cute box each month.

Everything was wrapped up in tissue paper.  There was a card on the inside of the boxwith the theme and information about this month's box.  This month, children will pretend they are at the eye doctor.

Patient Exam Cards: There were three patient exam cards.  Children can practice writing skills while pretending to give a real eye exam.  The cards are glossy, so you can write with a dry erase marker and wipe clean.

The back of each card had room for doctor notes and a diagram of the human eye.  This side isn't slick, so it isn't wiped clean like the front.

Rx Cards There were two sheets of prescription notes.  They can be cut apart and wrote on like the exam cards.  These are slick, but take a bit more finesse to get clean.

Eye Chart and Tool To do the exam, there was a two-sided eye chart.  There are letters on the front and shapes on the back for little kids.  You child can also put together the patch to cover the eye that's not taking the exam.

Glasses: There were five pairs of fun glasses.  The sides are made of plastic, so these are pretty sturdy.

Binocular Vision and 3D Images  The “butterfly wing” test. The patient wears the 3d glasses to see if the butterfly comes off the page.  On the back of the card, it explains binocular vision.

Stickers:  All good patients get a sticker!

There was also a sticker for your child to place in their book (see the welcome picture at the beginning of the review)

Since big brother is back to school today (boo!), we decided it was a great day to play with a new Bramble Box.  We took turns being the patient and doctor.

Looking at the butterfly.

Someone needed glasses!

Dr T filled out mommy's eye exam card.

Dr T filled out a prescription for mommy.  Mommy really does need glasses!

There were directions to turn the box into a glasses display.  Instead of an egg carton that Bramble Box suggested, we used a rolled up index card.

Final Thought: As always, Bramble Box sent a great box.  My 4-year-old really loves playing with this box each month.  Currently, T's favorite boxes are the flower shop, pizzeria, ice cream shop and this eye doctor kit.  T frequently pulls out a Bramble Box to play with during the day.  As a parent, I love that each box is engaging and requires my child to use their imagination.

Want to subscribe?

Pick from the following themes, or choose to be surprised!  You can use this link with the code subboxmom30 to save 30% off of any subscription (can't be applied to single kits) .

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