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My Pretend Place October 2015 Play Projects Review + Coupon

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  I received this box for review.

My Pretend Place October 2015 Play Projects Review

The Pretend Place Play Projects for October 2015 arrived and this month, and this month has is about being an Ophthalmologist.My Pretend Place Play Projects is craft and play subscription box for children aged 3-8 years old. My Pretend Place also has a dress up box that is designed for 3-6 year olds.  You can read my Gender Neutral Dress Up Box review, which was a veterinarian themed box, which is my favorite box they have done.  You can also read the July 2015 Boy FIrefighter Box, which had a backpack/water hose!

The Play Projects Subscription box is $15.00/month and each box comes with 2 crafts to complete.  You get two of each craft, so this box is great for siblings or sharing with a friend. I am reviewing the October 2015 Play Projects Box.

The box was wrapped in brown paper.

The box is brown and unmarked, so your child can decorate it.

First Look

There was an envelope with eye stickers, a handle and a general information card.  You child can turn the box into a suitcase and add the eye stickers for decoration.

There was a letter from Doctor Iris Ojo, an Ophthalmologist.  Dr Iris sent a box filled with materials to make a Snellen chart, occluder and silly glasses.

Occluder:  Materials were included to make a occluder, something that covers an eye during the eye chart test.  Making the occluder was easy, just glue the flower onto the stick.

Silly Glasses: There were several pipe cleaners included to make pairs of glasses.

You did need a pair of scissors to cut the pipe cleaners, but it was an easy project.

The finished glasses.

Snellen Chart:  There were materials to make two charts, along with two dry erase markers and two erasers.  The white contact paper sticks to the cardstock to make the charts.  Your child can write letters or symbols on the boards to make their own charts.

L decided to do the E, instead of doing different letters.

After all the projects were made, L and I played “eye doctor”.

There were instructions included that helped your child pretend to be an Ophthalmologist

This is a look at the completed projects.

Final Thought: This was a really fun box and L had a great time being the doctor and the patient.  There were three different activities this month and there were duplicates of each one, so two children can play.  There were plenty of pipe cleaners left over, so more glasses can be made.  If you want to try My Pretend Place, use this link with the code pretend to save 30% on your first box of the dress up box or the craft subscription.

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