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Arcade Block November 2015 Spoilers + Coupon Code

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Arcade Block November 2015 Spoilers

Arcade Block  includes a t-shirt every month, along with collectible toys and more!  Nerd Block Arcade includes collectibles like Mario and Sonic.  There will be Funko Pop toys, Titan Merchandise, stationary, candies and more. Nerd Block Arcade is $19.99 a month, and you can sign up to get the July box when you use this link with the code SAVE15 for 15% off your first box.  Note, you will put the coupon code in on the screen after your payment information, you will be able to see the reflected savings before you confirm your subscription.

Here are the November 2015 Spoilers

“November's Arcade Block is offering subscribers the chance to feel like Nathan Drake and unearth their own exclusive treasure from the Uncharted series this month!

You won't need any ancient maps and notes to score this great collectible, but you will need a subscription to Arcade Block to make sure you don't miss out!

And there's never been a better time to subscribe to Arcade Block! This November, we're giving subscribers more great items from the best videogame franchises.

Survival horror fans that have ever worried about escaping a zombie infested mansion will find the key to their survival in this month's Arcade Block!

If you prefer shooting aliens to zombies, we've also got a great Halo 5 item that will come in handy long after the credits roll on the recent release.

And Nintendo fans can expect both a masterful surprise from The Legend of Zelda and a Yoshi item that should make you feel warm and fuzzy!”

“This November, Arcade Block is delivering an item that will help anyone that has ever worried about finding themselves trapped in a zombie infested mansion. The only thing more stressful than facing a zombie horde without ammunition, health packs and typewriter ribbon is facing a locked door, but we've got subscribers covered!

Return to the golden age of survival horror this month, as each and every Arcade Block offers the key to surviving an unexpected zombie outbreak in a terrifying mansion!

Those subscribers that survive the horror will also find plenty of action with an EXCLUSIVE treasure from the Uncharted series. Nathan Drake has to risk it all to find rare treasures, but all you need is a subscription to Arcade Block this month!

If you prefer shooting aliens to zombies, we've also got a great Halo 5 item that will come in handy long after the credits roll on the recent release.

But wait, there's more!

Nintendo fans can expect both a masterful surprise from The Legend of Zelda and a Yoshi item that should make you feel warm and fuzzy!

And hey, every subscriber to Arcade Block is eligible to win this month's Big Boss Block!”

Coupons: Nerd Block Arcade is $19.99 a month, and you can sign up to get the October box HERE and use the code SAVE15 to save 15%.

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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links

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