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GlobeIn October 2015 Box Spoilers + Coupon

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GlobeIn October 2015 Box Spoilers

GlobeIn has released the theme for the October 2015 boxes and more spoilers will soon follow. Boxes are $35.00 month to month and filled with handmade items from all over the world.  I love the quality of the items in my GlobeIn boxes.  You also find out about where each items comes from and who made it.  Continue reading for the spoilers for October.


The theme for October is Cozy!

It’s no surprise that the word cozy comes to us from Northern Europe where the winters are long and dark. Coziness is in all the ways the opposing warmth, whether it be soft fabrics, warm lit rooms, hot drinks that tingle down the throat, gatherings with family and friends, or indulging in something sweet before bed.

No matter where you live, fall is a time of year when the light deepens and we all crave to curl up into the season. Your October basket covers the whole constellation of cozy…

Each Cozy Box will come with a hand-painted mug by Le Souk Ceramique.
(Retail: $15).

“The beautiful mug comes from Nabeul, a city on the Mediterranean coast of northeastern Tunisia and the center of Tunisian pottery. Your mug’s skillfully painted lines evoke the air of peace, prosperity, and teamwork embodied by modern Tunisians.

This is no ordinary mug: much bigger in size than mass-produced pieces and lovingly covered by intricate Tunisian designs, it has potential to become much more than your go-to hot drink vessel! Display it as your kitchen's art statement or add a small flower and use it as a mini vase.”


Each Cozy Artisan Box will come with a Fair Trade Scarf by Marquet (Retail $22).

Your scarf is made in Thailand by the members of the Ton Fai, or “Cotton Tree” artisan group, who weave products on a traditional hand-built loom using 100% locally-grown cotton. Whereas many rural Thai are forced to leave their families and seek work in the city to earn a secondary income, the weavers work on their craft between harvesting and planting season, integrating it into their farming lifestyle. Picture your scarf being woven by neighbors working together against the backdrop of their idyllic mountainside home.

Coupon: Save 25% on your first box of a three month subscription, just use the coupon SUBMOM.

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