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Dollar Shave Club Review

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Dollar Shave Club is a razor subscription box that delivers premium razors at a low price.  I hate paying $10-$14.00 for a pack of razors.  You can get a set of 5 razors from Dollar Shave Club for as low as $1.00 (plus $2.00 shipping).  When Dollar Shave Club offered me a box to review, I easily said yes.

Cost: The Humble Twin $1.00/Month ($2.00 shipping), The 4X $6.00/Month, and The Executive $9.00/Month

What's in the box? When you sign up, you will get your selected blades, a handle and any extras you have selected.

Shipping: Dollar Shave Club ships to the US, Canada and Australia

There are three different plans of razors.

Dollar Shave Club shipped by USPS

I didn't expect so see such nice packaging for a razor subscription box.

First Look: Dollar Shave Club includes a booklet called The Bathroom Minutes.  This is a booklet is filled with fun bits of knowledge.  For example, did you know cold water can improve your mood?  The cold water releases hormones and endorphins, thus improving your mood.

I was sent the 4X razor:  This razor has 4 stainless steel blades.  When you get your first box, you get a handle for your blades.  The handle features a soft rubber grip, so it won't slip out of your hand in the shower or while shaving.  The handle has a nice weight on it and is not cheap feeling at all.  The blades have a nice moisture strip and the four blades really cut close.    My husband and I each tried out a cartridge.  I really enjoyed the razors and I felt I really got a close shave, even with no shaving cream.  My husband uses an electric razor but he thought the razors did a good job shaving his face.

This is a close look at the razor.  Each cartridge is made with high quality materials.  I didn't exactly know what to expect for $6.00/Month, but these razors exceeded all my expectations

I was also sent some products that you can add-on to your box.  These products are an extra charge to your monthly box.

One Wipe Charlies $4.00:  This is a pack of 40 wipes.   They have a peppermint scent and are a thick wipe for all your “bathroom needs”.  While these are made for men, I enjoyed using them too.

There was an information card included with the wipes.  I had to include a picture of the card.   The card says “Yes, you probably know how to wipe you a** at this point in life.  Below are just some helpful tips anyway”.  This totally made me laugh.

Dr Carver's Shave Butter $8.00 This shave butter softens your hair, so you get the closest shave possible.  This is a non greasy shave butter that goes on clear and absorbs into the skin.  A little goes a long way, so this will last you a really long time.  This has a really fresh scent, so women can use this too.

Once again, Dollar Shave Club includes direction on how to use the product.

Dr Carver's Post Shave $9.00 This post shave lotion has little to no scent and is a great way to sooth your skin after shaving.  You want to dry your face before using this.  My husband really enjoyed this product.

This is the information card for the after shave.

Final Thought:  I was really impressed with Dollar Shave Club.  I am still amazed at the value of Dollar Shave Club.  Razors are very expensive and my favorite brand is $12.00 or more for refills.  I am going to switch to Dollar Shave Club for my razors.  You can save even more by trying the Humble Twin, it is only $1.00 plus $3.00 shipping.  You will get 5 blades, so that's .60 cents a cartridge.  If you want to try Dollar Shave Club, click HERE.  Don't forget the add ons

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